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Responsible Business Conduct Policy - Non-stop dogwear AS


Our mission at Non-stop dogwear AS is to facilitate and encourage an active lifestyle for dogs and their owners through our products. At the same time, we recognise that our business activities may result in adverse impacts related to corporate governance, workers, human rights, the environment, bribery, and consumers.

This Responsible Business Conduct Policy (hereafter “RBC”) is an expression of our commitment to ethical values. It provides the framework for our continued commitment to ensuring good corporate governance and that human and labour rights as well as the environment are respected in our own business operations, as well as in the operations of our suppliers and other business relationships. 

Non-stop dogwear AS’ Code of Conduct outlines how we work towards identifying, preventing, mitigating and accounting for how we address these actual and potential adverse impacts in our own operations, supply chain and other business relationships. All our suppliers and other business partners are required to sign and comply with our Code of Conduct.

As a preventative measure, all contracts with our suppliers and other business partners shall contain appropriate compliance clauses. As a deterrent measure, such contracts shall contain appropriate exit clauses.

Compliance with Laws and Standards

Obeying domestic laws is the first obligation of enterprises.  Non-stop dogwear AS is committed to ensuring that its operations comply with legislation in the company’s countries of operation, e.g. competition and tax legislation.

Muchas de las principales fábricas con las que trabajamos cuentan con la certificación ISO 9001. That means the factories comply with standards set forth by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), including factory management, environment, methods of production, and production quality.

Combating Bribery, Bribe Solicitations and Extortion

Undue Advantages

In accordance with statutory law, Non-stop dogwear AS’ employees are prohibited from, directly or indirectly, offering, promising, giving, or demanding a bribe or any other undue advantage to obtain or retain business or any other improper advantage. Non-stop dogwear AS’ employees are also prohibited from accepting or receiving such undue advantages in connection with their employment at Non-stop dogwear AS.

In order to combat bribery, bribe solicitations and extortion, all business partners are subject to individual integrity risk assessments and subsequent risk-based integrity due diligence measures.

Conflict of Interest

Non-stop dogwear AS’ representatives shall act impartially in all business matters. This means that all employees and other representatives must avoid situations in which their personal interest and/or activities impact, or appear to impact, their ability to make objective decisions on behalf of the company. Such interests or activities can include financial interests in - or personal relationships with – other companies or individuals that could improperly affect, or appear to affect, our judgment and decision making.

All our suppliers must also adhere to these guidelines when interacting with Non-stop dogwear AS’ representatives.

Gifts and Hospitality

Non-stop dogwear AS has a restrictive approach to gifts. Our employees shall not offer/give or accept/receive any gifts and in connection with their work, with the exception of promotional items of minimal value. Non-stop dogwear AS’ representatives shall only accept or offer hospitality which has a clear business purpose.

All our suppliers must also adhere to these guidelines when interacting with Non-stop dogwear AS’ representatives.

Reporting Breaches

All Non-stop dogwear AS’ employees, suppliers and business partners have a right and a duty to speak up about and report breaches of this section of the RBC. All reports must be made in good faith, and shall be reviewed and handled swiftly and confidentially.

Money Laundering

Non-stop dogwear AS is firmly opposed to all forms of money laundering and is committed to only conduct business with partners involved in legitimate business activities with funds derived from legitimate sources. Non-stop dogwear AS takes steps to prevent and detect any illegal form of payments, and prevent its financial transactions from being used by others to launder money.

Human Rights

Non-stop dogwear AS firmly believes that all human beings have certain inalienable rights, the most fundamental of which have been defined in the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights and the main instruments through which it has been codified: the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and to the principles concerning fundamental rights set out in the 1998
International Labour Organisation Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Non-stop dogwear AS believes that it is the duty of entreprises to respect these rights. Non-stop dogwear AS also carries out continued human rights due diligence.

Employment and Industrial Relations

Non-stop dogwear AS is committed to operating in compliance with applicable labour law, regulations and prevailing labour relations and employment practices and international labour standards. As part and parcel of this, Non-stop dogwear AS is committed to:

  • contributing to the elimination of forced and slave labour and ensuring that such labour does not exist in the company’s own operations and the operations of its suppliers and other business relationships
  • respecting the right of workers to unionise and organise or refrain from doing so
  • respecting the right of workers to carry out collective bargaining
  • contributing to the elimination of child labour and ensuring that such labour does not exist in the company’s own operations and the operations of its suppliers and other business relationships
  • taking adequate steps to ensure living wages and occupational health and safety in the company’s own operations as well as the operations of its suppliers and other business relationships
  • ensuring that workers are treated fairly and equally, with no discrimination with respect to employment on such grounds as race, sex, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin, or other status

Environment and Animal Welfare

Non-stop dogwear AS is conscious of the need to protect the environment as well as public health and safety in areas where the company operates. Non-stop dogwear AS believes that enterprises have an obligation to contribute to achieving the goal of sustainable development through their activities. We are continuously working on being an environmentally responsible company.

Collecting and evaluating information about how the operations of Non-stop dogwear AS and its suppliers and other business partners impact the environment, forms part of the continuous due diligence carried out by the company. In 2019 we started the process of replacing plastic packaging with recyclable materials.

We strive to make both our headquarters and our employees’ commute as environmentally friendly as possible.

Non-stop dogwear AS focuses on making sustainable, long lasting products. Our goal is to only source materials that do not have a negative impact on our environment. Non-stop dogwear AS is a proud bluesign®  SYSTEM PARTNER.

Animal welfare naturally has the highest priority for Non-stop dogwear AS. Our products only use leather and down from traceable sources. We only use Responsible Down Standard certified materials, and our products do not contain fur.

Transparency and Disclosure

Non-stop dogwear AS strives to ensure that information on all material matters regarding the company’s activities, structure, governance etc. is disclosed to the public in a transparent manner and in accordance with relevant legislation, such as the Norwegian Transparency Act. 

Consumer Interests

Non-stop dogwear AS is committed to acting in accordance with fair business, marketing and advertising practices and regulations, as well as taking all reasonable steps to ensure the quality and reliability of the goods that the company provides.

When designing and developing gear for active dogs and their owners, we want it to last and endure the roughest conditions. Our product development team always has this in mind when choosing materials. We only use fabrics that satisfy our high quality and functionality requirements. The development process is continuous with great focus on product testing and quality control. We are always searching for options and new ideas to improve our products. We also communicate to our customers how best to take care of our products.

Non-stop dogwear AS respects consumer privacy and ensures the security of personal data that the company collects, stores, processes or disseminates, in accordance with applicable privacy legislation. Our approach to customer privacy is described in our privacy policy.

Trade Regulations and Sanctions

Non-stop dogwear AS, including all our suppliers and other business partners, has a duty to abide by trade laws and regulations where these apply to our operations, including export and import laws and regulations, and sanctions regimes.

Consequently, we need to exercise due care when dealing with third parties registered in, or operating in countries subject to such sanctions, and when performing transactions to and from such countries.

Non-stop dogwear AS shall avoid trading with countries and entities that have activities in countries where sanctions are imposed by the UN and/or Norwegian authorities.


[1] OECD Guidelines p. 17


[3] Act relating to enterprises' transparency and work on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions (Transparency Act)