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Canicross Couch to 5K training program - Week 11

There are things to consider when attending your first canicross race. Our athletes have been through the rookie mistakes for you and will share their best tips below!

This week's training sessions:

Session 41 (suggested Tuesday)

  • 18-min brisk walk.
  • 24-min jogging.
  • 18-min brisk walk.

Session 42 (suggested Thursday)

  • 18-min brisk walk.
  • 2 sets of 3:00 run (1:30 jog), 2:00 run (1:00 jog), 1:00 run (30s jog) 6-min walk between sets.
  • 18-min brisk walk.

Session 43 (suggested Saturday)

  • Canicross, 4,5 km.

Session 44 (suggested Sunday)

  • 36-min brisk walking/jogging.

Avoid the rookie mistakes

When to feed my dog before a race? When should I arrive at the arena? How do I get familiar with the trail? We have collected the best canicross competition tips from our athletes!

Race Checklist Shareable

Week 10