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Canicross Couch to 5K training program - Week 10

When running or doing any other activity with your dog, they are exposed to surfaces and objects that might cause their paws to get sore or injured. Dogs depend on their paws, so taking good care of them is essential.

Some dogs are more prone to sore paws and injuries than others. This week you will learn how to prevent injuries and what to do if your dog gets a paw cut. But first, let's look at the training plan for the week!

This week's training sessions:

Session 37 (suggested Tuesday)

  • 15-min brisk walk.
  • 30-min jogging.
  • 15-min brisk walk.

Session 38 (suggested Thursday)

  • 15-min brisk walk.
  • 24-min alternating 1:00 run/30 s jogging.
  • 15-min brisk walk.

Session 39 (suggested Saturday)

  • Canicross, 4 km.

Session 40 (suggested Sunday)

  • 30-min brisk walking/jogging.

211002 Nonstop 3

Preventing sore paws and cuts

Dog booties are socks or shoes used to protect your dog's paws against everything from hot pavement, rough surfaces and glass in summer, to snow, salt and freezing temperatures in winter.

We have two types of booties for dryland training, the Protector booties and the Solid socks.

Paw cuts are one of the most common injuries that occur to active dogs. Learn how to treat it!

Week 9 Week 11